Hi, I’m Karyn, Karyn with a Y!
Do you have a business and you know you should be using Facebook ads better but you just don’t know where to start? You have had a play but you know they could be doing better? Relax you’re in the right place.
I specialise in Facebook and instagram advertising and it is my passion to make it easy to understand so business owners can harness its power and grow their business with a minimal marketing budget.
I have been an entrepreneur since I was young, always coming up with ideas and developing them.
I launched my first business, moretas4less when I was 24. moretas4less is a tourism business which sells a discount card for people travelling to Tasmania.
I quit my job to start moretas4less and soon spent over $80,000 in my first year advertising it in main stream media including TV, radio, billboards, magazines – you name it I was in it! I had a large business loan and no target market which soon resulted in me spending all my money and not making any!
Once I ran out of money for advertising I turned to facebook. I was amazed at the results when I started making more sales using this free medium than when I was spending tens of thousands of dollars. I was able to fine tune my audience and then target my product to them.
This is when my passion for Facebook advertising began. I went on to study and learn as much as I could about marketing and Facebook. I travelled to conferences and events all over the world and met some amazing people.
Many years later and now I focus all my time on my business, Karyn with a Y, helping business owners and entrepreneurs to use Facebook and Instagram advertising to grow their business.
I release regular articles via this website, but the best place to find me is in my free Facebook group where I regularly live stream Facebook marketing updates.