WooCommerce is the eCommerce plugin widely used for WordPress websites. I love WordPress sites mainly because I learnt how to build websites on WordPress and still build all my own sites, such as this one. With the vast range of plugins available you really can create...
The Facebook pixel is the piece of code that allows you to work magic with your Facebook ads and re-target visitors to your site. The pixel tracks who visits your website and what they do while they are there such as: How long they spend on your site Which pages they...
The Facebook pixel is the magic piece of code that makes all our wonderful re-targeting ads work! The pixel starts collecting data from the moment you install it to your website, so even if you’re not ready to run Facebook ads yet be sure to install it now ready...
April Fools Day is the best day of the year on Social Media, as brands around the world fool their customers with exciting new products and services. Below are some of my favourites so far. If you have seen any great ones be sure to let me know in my free group...
April first is one of my favourite days of the year. I love waking up, going on to Facebook and seeing what business have come up with for April Fools. This year I asked people in my group to post their favourites, here’s a collection of them: Tough Mudder My...
Facebook’s call-to-action buttons allow you to guide users to take the next step when they discover your Facebook page. Existing fans will consume your content in their News Feed rather than returning to your page so if someone is on your page it may just be the...